Seven Springs


On August 8th members were invited to attend a sketching session at Seven Springs on Cannock Chase. 

Despite the recent wind, rain and chill, today was pleasant enough- and remained dry throughout the afternoon. 

Seven Springs is a large area, spreading from the car park along walking tracks through woodland. One of these tracks leads to The Stepping Stones- a popular and well known landmark. 

I am not sure how many members  attended the sketching session as I managed to miss meeting anyone!! If you have any pictures from the day, please send them to Dropbox ( SAG Meeting Images/Sketching Days/Seven Springs 8th August)

Our next sketching meet will be on Tuesday 22nd August at Sugnall Walled Garden. 

P.S. Many thanks to Keith who let me know that 7 members attended the Seven Springs sketching- but just located themselves by the pool - which was not an area I knew. One to look out for in the future. If any of those sketchers would like to forward their pictures, I will happily add them to the gallery below. 

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