Stuart Blackburn- Granulation.

Our understanding of how watercolour paints work was greatly developed on Tuesday with a presentation from member Stuart Blackburn. Stuart works largely in watercolour, and has a lifetime of experience- as he had his first watercolour set when he was 4 years old!! Stuart's presentation was looking at 'granulation' and how certain watercolours will naturally granulate to create interesting textures. There are also techniques the painter can use to create this granulation.
Stuart talked through some of the technical aspects of how and why granulation takes place, and then demonstrated using a variety of ready stretched papers, how granulation looks and how it can be modified.
I'm sure many of us have come away intent on trying out some of these ideas. Feel free to send any pictures to Dropbox and we can share them on the website. A big thankyou to Stuart for sharing his expertise and knowledge.