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SAG day at the National Arboretum 30th July 24 - a hot sunny day with a mixture of monument observing and sketching. This is such a great place for artists and right on our doorstep.

Stone July 24


What a turn out .... great to see so many and also people new to SAG events on a sunny day beside the canal. Click the picture to see some of the paintings.

Our first outdoor sketching meet for this summer was a Bishton Hall, 9th July. Though hardly ideal summer weather, we had a very good turn out from members, plus a prospective member ( hi Frank!). Plenty of variety of views and subjects to choose from to sketch and paint- and a great opportunity to meet , chat , share...

Cliff set an art challenge on the Tuesday to paint in a still life in the style of Picasso. This was much trickier than you would first think but some members gave it a go.



This was a presentation by Doug to the art group on Tuesday 26 March 2024. Many were impressed with his experiments using AI with the app "Chat GPT" and the artistic works produced from his directions with some surprising results.

At Birmingham's Art Galley and Museum there is currently an excellent exhibition from the Pre Raphaelites. It is called Victorian Radicals.

On Saturday, the Lead Astray Workshop was held at Littleworth. Sheila and Carole had prepared a very informative day for us, demonstrating a wide range of pencil media - showing us the advantages and disadvantages of each variety. Members were invited to use each of the mediums to experiment . It is rare to get an opportunity to handle...

Our understanding of how watercolour paints work was greatly developed on Tuesday with a presentation from member Stuart Blackburn. Stuart works largely in watercolour, and has a lifetime of experience- as he had his first watercolour set when he was 4 years old!! Stuart's presentation was looking at 'granulation' and how certain watercolours will...

A huge thankyou to all the members ( and partners) involved in the successful winter exhibition. Once again SAG were able to demonstrate the wealth and diversity of art created by it's members. Over Friday 24th and Saturday 25th November, a large and comprehensive display of art work was available for viewing and sales. A steady stream of visitors...

Saturday 14th October saw the return of artist David Brevitt, following on from his inspiring demonstration a short while ago. David provided opportunity to follow in his footsteps and create a portrait using a reliable method that he has tried and tested over many years.

A one day experimental workshop exploring the use of alcohol inks to create stunning images images

Sandra's Birds


New for 2024 works by Sandra - see her gallery for all the paintings ... they are fresh and original