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Canal Life


There were many entries for this fun weekly challenge. It got the imagination going for many of us and a nudge to create something....

There were some very imaginative drawings - sketches and paintings submitted for us to chat about in our weekly meeting on Tuesday.

Shadows - light hearted challenge, we had our biggest entry to date by members at 17 - Well done to all for attempting this in the lock down. We had 21 members on the Zoom meeting to describe their art challenge or aspects of their life which spilled over into 2 hours active discussions.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you and members of Stafford Art Group for very kindly thinking of Katharine House Hospice and setting up a Just Giving page to fundraise for us from your Tuesday virtual art classes. What a wonderful idea! During what are really difficult and unprecedented times it is fantastic to hear how groups...

This weeks challenge is The Sky. This is deliberately meant to be light hearted and fun to get us all painting and one of them will be chosen at random to go on the front page of this website for a week! All the others will be posted for everyone to see. We are hoping to link this activity to a charity so that our endeavours may help others....

A one day experimental workshop exploring the use of alcohol inks to create stunning images images

Sandra's Birds


New for 2024 works by Sandra - see her gallery for all the paintings ... they are fresh and original