50 Shades of Grey
We had some very strong entries for this Prize competition and the winner was Pam Bennett, chosen by the committee and won the £10 voucher.
We had some very strong entries for this Prize competition and the winner was Pam Bennett, chosen by the committee and won the £10 voucher.
Margaret .... got the most correct answers during the Tuesday meeting to spot the proverb.
Zoe, 5 years old .. free range pictures that interested her taken by her with her camera (mums phone)
The weekly challenge is in full swing again, with the addition of an Art knowledge quiz. It was amazing to see how many people manage to guess not only the painting but also the artist from a fragment of the image. Drawing is Antique - By Pam
get ready for the weekly challenge - Zoom numbers as normal and show in the members area
Another adventurous Zoom meeting - full of good natured humour. Artwork by Cliff
This is a "V1" Rocket - some members recalled hearing and seeing them in the war.
Trunk, Covid 19 protected. Sylvia Tomlinson, however as pointed out during the zoom meeting the mask is not being warn correctly ...which got us all laughing.
44 images were displayed at the zoom weekly meeting - challenge. The topic was Hands.
A one day experimental workshop exploring the use of alcohol inks to create stunning images images
See the New works by Sarah Stanley for 2024 .... maintaining a high level of expertise and flair.
New for 2024 works by Sandra - see her gallery for all the paintings ... they are fresh and original